Lego Dimensions Fanon Wikia

Alphys is a playable character in LEGO Dimensions. She comes in an Undertale fun pack. Her personal gadget is Mettaton.



Undertale: The underground


  • Character Changing (Turns into Undyne)
  • Equation Puzzles
  • Intelligence
  • Technology
  • Hacking
  • Fix-It
  • Mini Access
  • Destroy Rainbow Lego Bricks


"Now if I add just a little Carbon Dioxide..."

Alphys's first line when solving equasion puzzles

"Uh, where are we?"

-Alphys's first line upon entering the game

"If the speed of the monster is divided by it's mass.."

-Alphys's second line when solving equasion puzzles

"Uh, hi."

-Alphys's second line upon entering the game.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

-Alphys's first line when in the vortex.

"I've done research on arternate realities, but I didn't think traveling between them would be this bright!"

-Alphys's second line when in the vortex.

"Stand back, I'm a scientist."

-Alphys when able to solve a puzzle.

"Success! I sure hope Undyne saw that!"

-Alphys after acquiring a Gold Brick

